We cordially invite you to contribute to the 2021International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). ICSPIS 2021 will be held virtually on November 24-25, 2021 and is technically sponsored by IEEE UAE Section.
The ICSPIS 2021 is focusing on the important impact of signal processing and information security on the advances in technologies. The conference is an excellent forum for researchers from all over the world to submit papers of their research in the following topics. Sessions will include video presentations on new research findings. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of ICSPIS 2021 and will be submitted for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance, and originality.
Papers are invited in the following topics:
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Communication Signal Processing
- Digital Forensic
- Audio & Image Processing
- Robotic Process Automation & Analytics
- Satellite & Radar Signal Processing
- Autonomous Vehicle Security
- Information Hiding & Watermarking
- Big Data & Cloud Computing Security
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Processing
- Information Processing
- Power Systems Security
- Data Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, 4-page (max) papers in two-column format including diagrams and references. Authors can submit their papers as PDF files through EDAS. The title page should include author(s) name(s), affiliation, mailing address, telephone and e-mail address. The authors should indicate one or two of the above categories that best describe the topic of the paper. The proceeding of the ICSPIS 2020 has been published by IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus.
More information for authors is available on the website
Contact Details
Amitha Philip
University of Dubai, Academic City,
P. 0. Box: 14143
Emirates Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Email: [email protected],
Tel: +971 4 5566 932